Sunday, March 18, 2018

I Am On Facebook For The First Time In My 70-Year Old Life

Time flies, it seems like yesterday when I was 20 years old living in an era when I didn't have my own phone, and every time when I had to make a call, I had to go to my neighbor's little rice shop to borrow his phone..... Yes, back then, nobody could call me for anything, even for emergency. I had no phone number and I had no phone.  Back then, I never imagined  I would have one of the smartest phones in my hand at 70 years old.

I had heard of Facebook for many years from my much younger and hipper siblings and kids.  I had never understood the point of being on there.  But I'm open-minded to learn about what the point is, since my children tell me that my most favorite app "Whatsapp" is actually owned by "Facebook" that never got my interest.  So recently when my kids finally got the time to help me, I signed up.  

I'm also new to Blogging, by the way...  I'm still trying to figure things out, with the help of my children.  I'm excited about what I can discover in social media, like learning new things and making new friends. If you want to make friends with me on Facebook, please fill out the contact form on the right sidebar, and I will try send you a "Friend Request", which is a Facebook function that I'm still learning about.

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I'm Too New To Be Addicted To Facebook

Facebook is definitely not drug to me. At this point of my life, I like my bottle of Advil more than Facebook, because Advil at least g...